Saturday, August 20, 2011

Flashlight Baked Bean Sandwich

Baked beans, from a can, per Alice's instructions, mashed up with dijon mustard on some buttered (of course) bread. That's it. Nothing more. I am down to my last stick of  butter, again. I think I am going to ask for butter for my birthday this year.  Anyway, this is the strangest thing I have ever made, possibly with the exception of Sunshine Day Baked Eggs, because they take the bizarre food cake, as it were. They were eaten. That's about as much as I can say. Need to keep on, keep on, keep on movin....

Episode Note: "The Brady Braves" The most excellent Grand Canyon episode. The Brady's are camping when Cindy and Bobby wander off, get hopelessly lost, and meet an Indian boy named Jimmy who helps them find their way. Jimmy has run away from his tribe because he wants to be an astronaut, not chief like his grandfather. So Bobby and Cindy help him in return by delivering hot dogs and baked beans inside their flashlights, but he is soon discovered by Mike and reunited with his tribe. Grateful upon the return of his grandson, Chief Eagle Cloud invites the Brady's to a celebratory ceremony, and gives them each honorary Native American names:  Big Eagle of Large Nest (Mike), Yellow Flower with Many Petals (Carol), Stalking Wolf(Greg), Middle Buffalo (Peter), Wandering Blossom (Cindy), Little Bear who Loses Way (Bobby), Dove of Morning Light (Jan), Willow Dancing in Wind (Marcia) and Squaw in Waiting (Alice).  The Brady's bid final farewell to majesty of the canyon and head back home... home... home...

1 comment:

  1. This was... not very good. It was cold and might have been better warm. I tried to think of it like a bean burrito, but... it wasn't. Joan said it sounded like a depression era thing and I agreed. Maybe Alice grew up on this? Served with ketchup soup?
