Monday, September 26, 2011

Lost Earrings Pot Roast

This is another one of those days when every part of the cook in me knows what I am doing is wrong, but I go through with it anyway. A beef roast, smothered in a mixture of red wine, cream of mushroom soup, tomato soup and a packet of onion soup mix alongside potatoes, carrots, onions and celery, cooked and periodically basted for 2 hours. I pledge after tonight to never use soup in a recipe ever again, unless something suddenly comes up.

Episode Note: "The Great Earring Caper" Marcia has a pair of earrings on loan from Carol. She warns Cindy not to touch them. Cindy disobeys and "borrows" the earrings and while looking at herself in the bathroom mirror panics when her mother calls her and wraps them in a towel on the vanity. When she returns moments later - they're gone! Enlisting the help of Peter and his Sherlock Holmes Do it Yourself Detective Kit, Cindy is determined to recover the missing earrings. Apparently, all of those lectures about honesty and admitting wrong doing have fallen on deaf ears. In the meantime, Carol and Mike are trying to decide on a famous couple costume for a party Saturday night. Peter is eager to solve his first real mystery, and after getting "just the facts" from Cindy sets out to question and fingerprint the usual suspects in hope of cracking the case wide open. This, and the taking apart of the bathroom drain yield no results. When Mike and Carol decide to go as Marc Antony and Cleopatra, Carol asks Marcia for the earrings. That's when Cindy admits her wrong doing and Peter his failure as a detective. Mike takes over and a la MacMillan and Wife reconstructs each culprits actions on the day in question and we see Cindy put the towel down, Alice pick it up and put it in the laundry, Jan carry the laundry bag to the service porch and Carol load and run the wash. They all head to the laundry room  to find the lost earrings in the washer, although badly damaged. Really, it was elementary my dear Cindy.

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