Thursday, September 22, 2011

Third Time's the Charm Tomato Soup

Tomato soup, sounds good on paper, right? Unless you are reading Alice's recipe, which does not contain heavy cream, of all the times to omit the cream, she chooses tomato soup. Eight tomatoes peeled and chopped simmered in butter and garlic, then add chicken broth, lemon juice, sugar, salt and pepper, bring to a boil, simmer 10 minutes more and call it soup, or not. Mark pointed out that this is only slightly different from Depression Era tomato soup, which was ketchup and hot water. Julia had the good sense to suggest that we also have grilled cheese sandwiches, so at least there would be something decent to eat. It was actually better than Leeky Vase Soup, which is a low threshold, I know.  It's not something I would try again.

Episode Note: "Try, Try, Again" Another installment of the trials and tribulations of  Jan. This time it is fail, fail, again as she tries to find something she has a talent for. First, we see her bomb at ballet and turn into a big quitter when she isn't chosen to perform at the recital. Mike thinks Jan is old enough to deal with life's disappointments, but Carol the nurturer encourages her to try another form of dance. And thus, Jan's second failure, tap. But not before she drives the family insane with the tap, tap, tapping. Marcia sums it up when she says what everyone else is thinking: that Jan has no talent. Jan overhears and wholeheartedly agrees. Allegedly feeling sorry for hurting her sister's feelings, Marcia suggests that Jan try out for drum majorette, which seems like a good idea until Jan flails the baton through the family room window. Things are really looking bleak for poor old loser Jan. Alice says that on a scale of 1 to 10 Jan is a negative 3, but always supportive Marcia takes it one step further and declares Jan 'the most miserable member of the human race.' (How does she sleep at night?) Despite attempts by her brothers and sisters to boost her confidence by letting her win at ping pong and monopoly, Jan's sure that she is nothing more than a 'no talent loser.' At her parents insistence that she try something else, she auditions for the school play. The role is that of a starving artist and Jan paints her own prop picture to use during the try-out. She takes another nose dive as an actress, but in a twist of fate, the art teacher sees her painting and thinks she has what it takes to be a real artist. Finally, Jan finds her special purpose, until of course she becomes the most unpopular popular girl. Confucius say: enjoy temporary happiness, misery right around corner.

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