Sunday, September 11, 2011

Myron's Cheese Sticks

Things are dry for now, so we thought we'd go for something simple. Flour, buttah, cheddar and parmesan cheeses formed into a dough and rolled out into sticks. Baked at 350 for ten minutes and voila, a cheesy Sunday afternoon snack. Of course, none of the instructions made sense, and ironically, I had to add water to the dough to get it to the right consistency. So even when it seems simple...

Episode Note: "The Impractical Joker" Another cry for help from ugly-ducking, middle child Jan. She gets a box o' practical jokes - fake ink stains, plastic spiders, etc. and lets loose on the family. The only problem is that she's the only one who finds them funny.  Marcia tells her in the snottiest way possible that the joking just shows how immature she is. If I were Marcia, I would be afraid to go to sleep at night. Anyway, the situation gets serious when Jan steals Greg's science project mouse Myron and hides him in the girls hamper.  Unbeknown to Jan, Myron chews his way out and wanders into the kitchen where he is spotted by Alice, who has just returned from a rare day off. She is so freaked out she climbs on a chair and calls the Zap-It Exterminator Company -unaware it is Greg's mouse. When Greg fills Alice in, she feels like a 'murderess' and the boys haven't been so low since the trading stamp company went out of business. Jan too feels remorse and fesses up, swearing never to play another practical joke. Tiger becomes the hero (that dog is finally good for something) when he alerts the family that something is amiss in his dog house, and it's not Kitty Karry-All, but little Myron. It's a sunshine day for everyone except Jan. She was quiet as mouse, plotting a course through her maze of low self esteem.

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