Sunday, August 28, 2011

Harvey Klinger's Zucchini Fingers

Okay, ground turkey in zucchini, sounds great, huh? I think they are supposed to be appetizers. Alice wants me to remove the center of each zucchini with an apple corer and them stuff each one with the ground turkey, garlic, cheese, egg and bread crumb mixture. Bake for an hour and 20 minutes and voila! She suggests that they may be refrigerated overnight for the next day's munchies at the football game. I guess, if you like to eat meatloaf stuffed caterpillars at sporting events.

Episode Note: "Going, Going Steady" Marcia's in love with super nerd (and that's kind compared to what Greg called him) Harvey Klinger. The only problem is that Harvey doesn't know Marcia exists as he is completely consumed with entomology. Carol wants to interfere and help Marcia get his attention. Mike wants to but out. Carol has her way and tutors Marcia in the world of creepy crawlers in order to get Harvey's attention. The important lesson here is to teach your daughter not to be herself in order to attract boys. Anyway, the plot works so well that Harvey asks Marcia to go steady, because as he tells her a girl of 13 today is like a woman of 20, and a boy of 14 is like a man of 22. Wanting to be 'understanding, modern parents' Mike and Carol play along but it makes Carol a nervous wreck.  Clever Mike decides to use some old-fashioned reverse psychology with Harvey. He grills Harvey about his plans for the future and insinuates that wedding bells are in the offing for he and Marcia. This causes Harvey to bug-out. Marcia is less than broken-hearted as she says "Harvey turned out to be a drip" and quickly moves on to the new flavor of the week: Lester. Proving that when it comes to boys, Marcia is like a moth to a flame.

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