Friday, August 5, 2011

Sneezin' Summer Nachos

Nachos at their finest. Tortilla chips, stewed mexican chicken, cheese, tomatoes, guacamole. Alice did not suggest to melt the cheese, but I once again took the liberty and put them under the broiler for a few minutes before I adding the guac and tomatoes. I had been craving nachos for a few days and this was the perfect antidote. Occasionally, it works out that what I want to eat and what is in this cookbook coincide and then all is right with the world. I also served mexican rice on the side and of course a few cervezas had to be in the mix. And no, nobody actually sneezed on them, although my allergies have been bothering me lately...

Episode Note: "Katchoo" An early first season dilemma - Jan is allergic to something and is sneezing up a storm. The Brady's scramble to find the source, and initially she only sneezes when Mike enters the room. It is soon revealed that Tiger (there's that darn dog again) also enters when Mike does. After some unscientific experiments, it is determined that it is Tiger, not Mike that is aggravating Jan's nose, and it is decided that he has to go. Mike arranges for Tiger to go live at his parents house and the boys are devastated. At the eleventh hour, Alice comes through with what amounts to be a phone call from the Governor, when she discovers that it is Tiger's new flea powder, and not that trouble-making dog, that has Jan in a fit. Bless you, Alice.

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