Sunday, October 9, 2011

Poison Apple Cider

Grown-up apple cider at its finest. Black tea, brewed and strained over sugar. Once the sugar is dissolved, orange juice, brandy and the cider are added. Garnished with  lemon. I have occasionly wondered if Alice was a closet drinker, nipping at the cooking sherry, but now we know she likes her brandy disguised as apple cider. As an aside, I am down to the final eight recipes.

Episode Note: "Snow White and the Seven Brady's" Cindy's beloved teacher is retiring and the class wants to buy her an expensive gift. Not having the funds to do so, Cindy suggests that they put on a play to raise money. All is well until a snafu results in the theatre being double booked and Cindy has no venue. But the show must go on and the Brady's brainstorm and decide to do it in their own backyard. They elect to perform Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, leaving Cindy with two casting problems: first, their are only six Brady children (Mike is Prince Charming, Carol is Snow White and Alice is the evil queen) and second, each of them want to be Dopey (leaving that one alone). They draw Dwarf names from a hat, and no one gets Dopey. Sam comes to the rescue, making a house call meat delivery just at that moment and he gets the coveted role. Tickets are sold, the stage and costumes are created, lines are rehearsed again and again. The rub comes the day of the show when Alice realizes that she has rehearsed the poison apple scene so many times that she's out of apples, causing Mike and Sam, in full Prince and Dopey costume to drive to the market to get more apples. A police officer intervenes when they double park and neither has any identification (no pockets in tights). They explain the whole play concept trying to get out of the jam, only further getting them into trouble when the officer inquires as to whether or not they have a permit to sell tickets (damn government intrusion). They manage to iron things out by inviting the policeman and his children to attend the performance (LAPD respond well to bribery) and the show goes without a hitch. Mirror, Mirror on the wall, is this the dopiest episode of all?

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