Saturday, October 1, 2011

Scheming Scalloped Potatoes

I love all potatoes. There is nothing you can do to a poato to get me not to like it. And tonight Alice does us a solid. Peeled and sliced white potatoes (although she didn't specify type), artfully arranged in a casserole dish, drowned in heavy cream and butter, of course, and baked.

Episode Note: "Alice's September Song" Alice, tired of her hum drum going no where relationship with Sam, is swept off of her feet when her old flame Mark Mallard swoops into town. Sweet talking Mark wines and dines Alice every night and brings her flowers every day, much to the chagrin of Sam. Alice is on cloud nine feeling like a school girl again, but Mike and Carol become suspicious of  Mark and aim to get to the bottom of his true intentions towards their beloved Alice. Although, it seems more like they don't want to lose their housekeeper than protect Alice from a cad, which is what Mark turns out to be. After several dates, he begins to inquire as to Alice's finances and tells her of an "investment opportunity" that is too good to pass up, and sadly too good to be true. Mike has a friend down at the police department check into Mallard's past and finds out he has been conning old maids out of their money for years. Mike and Carol break the news to Alice, who is crestfallen. Sam shows up, professes his true feelings for Alice, saying " Alice is my inspiration, I see her face in every bowling ball, her figure in every bowling pin" and sends Mark Mallard packing. Leaving Alice to spend the rest of her days waiting for the last pin to drop.

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