Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Hair-Brained Scheme

The town of Mt. Pleasant and I have a long and storied past, going back way before I met Denni. But that's another blog, totally. My primary goal (along with my BBBF) for this trip was to crash the Mount Pleasant Senior High School Class 0f 1981 reunion, which of course has everything to do with Denni. Crazy, I know. Most people don't want to attend their own reunions, let alone someone else's. But this seemed like the right thing to do, and it was held at the casino so gambling was in the cards, so to speak. It's funny, high schools are the same everywhere, the nice people are happy to see you (Denni's friends) and the mean girls, who I am guessing nobody liked 30 years ago and still don't, gave us dirty looks. The same thing could happen at my own reunion, and, in theory, I will be invited to that one.

Episode Note "The Hair-Brained Scheme" This is the final episode of the series, although the Brady's didn't know it at the time. The family is preparing for Greg's high school graduation. At the same time, Bobby and Cindy both launch get-rich-quick schemes. Bobby plans on selling Neat and Natural Hair Tonic door to door and Cindy is going to breed rabbits, named Romeo and Juliet. Both plans go awry rather quickly. Bobby can't make a sale, and Cindy discovers she has two Romeos. Out of pity, Greg buys a bottle of the tonic and after one use it turns his hair orange. Carol, desperate to get him presentable for commencement, takes him to her beauty parlor for a dye job. Meanwhile, Cindy and Bobby realize that there might be a market for chocolate in their peanut butter and dye the rabbits orange with the tonic. The pet store buys the lot and the kids recoup their investment, Greg graduates with honors, Marcia plans to move to the room in the attic - Triple Lucky Jackpot. And so, we end to begin....

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