Wednesday, July 13, 2011

House of Cards Hamburgers

Hamburgers with a meat loaf twist. Only Alice would think to crumble a piece of bread, and add an egg to the ground beef (she says they hold together better). The way she uses eggs, you would have thought she was dating a chicken farmer instead of the local butcher. The sauteed mushroom topper did make the whole burger seem as though it could fall over at any moment, so maybe that was the point.  Alice said cheese was optional, so we passed (every little bit helps).

Episode Note: "54-40 Fight" Possibly one of the most intense episodes of the series. The boy and the girls separately have been saving Checker trading stamps, the girls have 40 books and are saving for a sewing machine, the boys have 54 and are aiming for a row boat. The kids are devastated to learn that the company is going out of business and they only have until the end of the month to redeem their stamps. Neither group has enough for their prize and cannot come up with a compromise on their own. Mike and Carol suggest a competition, boys versus girls, winner take all, to settle the issue. It is decided that the kids will build a house of cards and the pressure is on. Each move is a nail biter, especially when Marcia's charm bracelet gets in the way and nearly topples the card structure, which, as Jan points out isn't fair, since boys don't wear charm bracelets (why she just didn't take it off, I'll never know). In an unforeseen turn of events, the boys lose when Tiger (bad dog) bumps the table while Greg is placing his last card. The girls, not feeling groovy over their win by default, do the right thing and bring home a gift for the whole family - a color television set. They all have hair (and hearts) of gold, like their mother...

1 comment:

  1. Love it when the episode titles have a historical meaning as well. But I digress. I had a dream last night that yesterday's beef teriyaki was in the shape of a volcano....
