Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Ice Cream isn't eating, it's licking

This morning, while having breakfast in a Cincinnati diner, I noticed the cover of the menu said 'Life isn't about the number of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away'.

Looking for answers, as I have found myself doing a lot latley, I pondered this. Did this mean that we shouldn't focus on the fact that Denni only had 47 years, but that he made the most of every minute? Are these type of sayings in the public domain for us to somehow rationalize the irrational? To make sense of the nonsensical? Maybe it was just atwisted joke from the restaurant owner, basically saying that eating here will put you in an early grave, but it sure will taste good going down. I don't know. I have only questions, no answers.

Episode Note: "The Cincinnati Kids" Mike's firm is bidding on an addtion to Kings Island Amusement Park and takes the family along to the presentation (more on this in tomorrow's post). Cindy and Bobby go off on their own, but not before Carol warns them no to eat too much before lunch. After having popcorn and cotton candy they want ice cream. Cindy reminds Bobby what their mother told them and he retorts "Mom said not to eat  too much, and ice cream isn't eating, it's licking." Perhaps my favorite rationalization of all time. Of course they are sick by lunchtime, who didn't see that coming?

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