Tuesday, June 14, 2011

An idea from grief

In 1997(and I know because he wrote the date in his inscription) Denni gave me Alice's Brady Bunch Cookbook. I laughed, put it away with my “serious” cookbooks and that was that. Until today, when in my grief over the loss of Denni I decided to take it out,and this not so novel idea was born: cook every recipe, in order, blog about it, and dedicate it to Denni.
For those of you who know me, you know that I am a cook. I cook, from scratch, seven nights a week. I make my own pasta and a meat sauce that one must mash with a potato masher for five hours. I am serious about food.
For those of you who knew Denni, you know that he had a great sense of humor and a love of pop culture. We shared a special bond over the Brady Bunch. When he became sick, my advice to him was to ask himself “What would Greg Brady do?” and follow that and everything would be okay. I don't know what Greg would do now, but I do know that Alice would put a casserole in the oven. And so will I.
If you are not familiar with every episode, this blog may not be for you. But it's not for you anyway. It's for Denni and me and maybe it will make Judy and Paige smile on a day that otherwise seemed glum. There are about 150 recipes and they run the gamut from cookies, to drinks, to of course pork chops and applesauce.
My tasters are my husband Mark and our daughter Julia. I will try to do one recipe a day, unless something suddenly comes up.


  1. Bon Appetite, what is on the menu tonight? Like Cindy I will be following you whether you like it or not. Ann

  2. A Brady meal every day - your tasters are brave!

  3. I am sorry for your loss. Who was Denni?
