Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lost Sketches Asparagus

Asparagus, my favorite! Especially this time of year when Michigan asparagus is bountiful. Now, I usually just toss it in a little olive oil and kosher salt and throw them on the grill rack while the meat is cooking and they are perfect. Alice, as I should have guessed, likes to load the asparagus up with butter and cheese and bake them until bubbly. So, of course, I did it her way. I must say, Alice knows of what she speaks. Delicious, cheesy, buttery goodness (although Julia thinks "it's still tastes like asparagus"). The best part was dipping bread in the bottom of the baking dish to soak up the butter that remained. Yum! Would love to go for walk outside to work it off, but alas, it is raining.

Episode Note: "The Cincinnati Kids" part deux. If you tuned in yesterday, you know that the Bradys are at Kings Island for Mike's big architectural proposal. He has his sketches in one cylinder and Jan is using an identical container for the cartoon bear poster she purchased for the little girl she babysits back home. (Again, you can see where this is headed...) Mike mistakenly takes Jan's poster to his presentation (much to the chagrin of the unamused amusement park big wigs) and Jan leaves his on the log flume ride. Hilarity ensues when the Bradys have only one hour to scour the park, find the lost sketches, run a relay, and get Mike to his meeting on time. Whew!


  1. I LOVE ASPARAGUS!!! And so did Denni. We used to make a bearnaise sauce for it, so yes, load it up!!! BTW, I think the movie National Treasure stole the "plans/poster in the identical cylinder" idea from the Brady Bunch when Ben Gates "stole" the Declaration of Independence and bought a reprint in the gift shop as a decoy. Just sayin'.
