Friday, June 24, 2011

UFO Potatoes

Basic fried potatoes that involved a surprisingly small amount of butter. Cubed the russets, sprinkled with salt and pepper and added to a skillet with the melted butter, turned once. Tasty and went well with burgers. We are still in the breakfast section of Alice's cooking, but as much as we love breakfast for dinner, couldn't do it two nights in a row, especially after yesterday's sketchy results. I have to keep Julia and Mark semi-happy as we proceed. Don't want anarchy from the tasters, we've got a long way to go.

Episode Note: "Out of this World" The Bradys embrace the space age with this 1974 episode. Peter and Bobby meet an astronaut and then that night are convinced they have seen a UFO in the backyard. Little do they know that it is just Greg playing a practical joke. They take photos and convince Mike to show them to the Air Force. A formal investigation is launched, forcing Greg to own up and lose his car privileges for the weekend. With my adult sensibilities, I see now how the show had waned and indeed, the Cousin Oliver character is introduced in the very next episode. In TV terms, as my dear friend Kristy reminded me the other day, the UFO is the shark and Oliver jumped it.


  1. Ok. Those look might tasty. Good come back from yesterday's plate.

  2. That's supposed to say mighty tasty. Not might tasty.
